With about 300 receivables factoring businesses to pick from claiming this and that, so how do you go about picking the most suitable for your business?

There are a few receivables factoring businesses that will actually offer you more than just cash.

With some factoring firms, you'll also get first rate service and financing programs to help support your company's growth.

Here's what you should know to choose the right receivables factoring company one for your company.

You're probably thinking, "I'm too busy for this!"

We'll help you make this decision painlessly. And find out why over 45% of our new business comes from Client Referrals. By far the top referral rate in the factoring industry.

All the others don't even come close!

Not familiar with Factoring?

If you haven't heard of Factoring, it is essentially a very fast way to get cash from your invoices.

Factoring is Not a Loan

When you give your customers an invoice, they usually have 30 days to pay you back. Factoring companies will give you the bulk of the cash up front, sometimes within 24 hours, and collect the payments from your customers themselves. Once the invoices are paid in full, you’ll get the balance left over, minus a small fee.

Factoring Doesn't Require Debt

Sounds simple enough – fast cash for your business – no loans, no debt.

so how do you go about picking the most suitable receivables factoring company FOR YOUR Moreno Valley company?

Everyone shouts out they have the lowest rate plans in the business, no long-term contracts, fast- same day/same hour payments, no up-front fees, no monthly minimums or maximums and so on so on.

We also offer these same benefits, but we also PROVIDE JAW-DROPPING SERVICE AND PROGRAMS that other factoring firms don't and simply can't.

What's your proof? Here's our proof, over 40 percent of our new business growth comes from existing client referrals. As you probably know business clients don't hand out referrals randomly. Especially since the client's reputation is on the line, no one wants to risk making a bad referral; it can come back to haunt you. They make recommendations to support their business friend.


In a nutshell. It's no contest,no other receivables factoring company matches our benchmarks of A-list services and products.


As you can see, we quite frankly have more to offer you.

Other factoring companies don't even come close.

Moreno Valley

And Not All Factoring Companies Can Say This:

Over half of our new business comes through client referrals.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Information for the city of Moreno Valley

Moreno Valley is a city located in Riverside County, California and is part of the San Bernardino Riverside Metropolitan Area. A relatively young city, its rapid growth from the 1980s to the early 2000s made it the second largest city in Riverside County by population, and one of the Inland Empire's population centers. As of the 2010 census,[6] the city's population was 193,365. Neighboring Riverside, California, is the county seat and largest city in the county and the two cities are closely tied. Moreno Valley is also part of the Greater Los Angeles area.According to the City's 2009 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report,[28] the top employers in the city are:



Information for the state of California

The economy of California is large enough to be comparable to that of the largest of countries. FY 2011, the gross state product (GSP) is about $1.96 trillion, the largest in the United States. California is responsible for 13.1 percent of the United States' $14.96 trillion gross domestic product (GDP). California's GDP is larger than that of all but 8 countries in dollar terms (the United States, China, Japan, Germany, France, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and Italy).


California's GDP is larger than the GDPs of Russia, India, Canada, Australia, and Spain; in terms of Purchasing Power Parity,[103] it is larger than all but 9 countries (the United States, China, India, Japan, Germany, Russia, Brazil, France, the United Kingdom, Italy), larger than Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Canada, and Turkey. In terms of jobs, the five largest sectors in California are trade, transportation, and utilities; government; professional and business services; education and health services; and leisure and hospitality. In terms of output, the five largest sectors are financial services, followed by trade, transportation, and utilities; education and health services; government; and manufacturing. Agriculture is an important sector in California's economy. Farming-related sales more than quadrupled over the past three decades, from $7.3 billion in 1974 to nearly $31 billion in 2004.[107] This increase has occurred despite a 15 percent decline in acreage devoted to farming during the period, and water supply suffering from chronic instability.


Factors contributing to the growth in sales-per-acre include more intensive use of active farmlands and technological improvements in crop production.[107] In 2008, California's 81,500 farms and ranches generated $36.2 billion products revenue.[108] In 2011, that number grew to $43.5 billion products revenue.


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If you did not have to wait for the cash flow to come in what would you do right now?  


The main benefit of factoring is that a business is not required to wait one or two months (sometimes more) for payment by a customer, the business will receive cash in hand to operate and grow their business. -Largest Moreno Valley Factoring Companies





Largest Moreno Valley Factoring Companies Articles

The benefits of using a receivables factoring company versus a bank loan


If you are looking for a convenient way to obtain business capital, receivables factoring is one of the best options available out there. From a recent study, it has been identified that many people go for bank financing in such instances, considering that it is the least expensive method of investing. However, receivables factoring is associated with many other advantages and we will let you know about them through this article.


A proper cash flow is something that every business in the present world should have. In addition, they need to speed up their cash flows along with time. Otherwise, it will not be possible for them to get banks for financing. Unfortunately, banks are not in a position to accommodate all the financial requirements of a company, due to tough credit standards. That is where receivables factoring comes into play. It happens when a company sells its accounts receivable to a bank or a receivables factoring company. The amount that can be taken depends on value of the invoice.


Key benefits associated with receivables factoring


• A company can get large amounts of capital through receivables factoring. It is because this method is entirely based upon accounts receivable. It has impressed many small scale businesses out there since they can obtain a bigger line from their accounts receivable for services or goods. They will not be able to get such a big amount of capital from any conventional bank lender out there. receivables factoring is something that is based on the credit strength of your potential customers. If your company has more potential customers with healthy credit strengths, you can easily enjoy the benefits of receivables factoring.


• receivables factoring is quicker than traditional bank loans. Since most of the receivables factoring lines are in a position to be set up, approved and actively funded within a matter of few weeks, you can go through a hassle free process. However, banks will take more time to engage with their credit reviewing activities about your company. They might even wait for audit results or fiscal period closes. Therefore, if you are in need of quick business capital, receivables factoring is the number one option available out there to consider.


• receivables factoring is something that expands quickly along with the growth of your company. Almost all the receivables factoring companies out there support it. Your company doesn't need to have an excellent track recording of business. You just need to select a receivables factoring company that is big enough to accommodate all your business development ambitions.


• A receivables factoring company does not offer loans to their clients. Therefore, you cannot find many similarities between a loan and receivables factoring. A receivables factoring company will purchase your accounts receivables along with cash. Therefore, it can be considered as a similar process to increasing the working capital, while showing it as a liability in the account balance sheets. This will even reduce debt in the balance sheet, when compared to borrowing. At the end of the day, your company will get the opportunity to enjoy a lower debt to equity ratio.


• receivables factoring is less expensive than equity. Most of the businesses approach equity investors to cater their financing requirements. However, there isn't any substitute for equity capital in some expansion purposes and business investments. Almost all the equity investors expect a higher


return from the accounts receivable than the cost. When it comes to receivables factoring arrangements, you won't be able to find any dilutive effect on shareholders. This will assist you a lot to stay away from hassle.


• receivables factoring is also recognized as one of the best options available to improve your turn. In the present world, many receivables factoring companies will verify invoices with your customers and check whether they are being paid on time. This will motivate your customers to pay the invoices on time through a gentle reminder. This will result in a better service delivery from your end as well.




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Largest Moreno Valley Factoring Companies Articles

Why Do Companies Choose receivables factoring?


We know that receivables factoring is the ideal way for a business to access instant cash on their company's receivables, but there are other important benefits as well. receivables factoring can be a very handy financial instrument for many businesses.


Listed below Are Six Key Benefits of receivables factoring


No. 1: Back Office Solutions


Anyone running a business knows just how time-consuming and expensive it can be collecting payments from customers. When you employ a receivables factoring company they'll take over that role for you using their own collection specialists: it's their job to follow up with customers until such time as your account has been paid in full. In addition, some receivables factoring companies use online accounts, which means that you'll have the ability to track your customers' payments in real time. Handing this time-consuming part of your business over to the receivables factoring company frees up your time to do what you do best – running your business, looking for new business opportunities, and providing your customers with excellent customer service.


No. 2: Better Quality Customers


Some receivables factoring companies have their own rating systems for companies involved in your industry, in addition to having access to credit data on companies that could well become your new customers, and days-pay information. Others create their own rating systems for companies working in your industry, which allows you to make calculated, informed decisions about both existing and new customers.


No. 3: Instant Access to Cash


When a company provides goods or services on credit it usually has to wait somewhere between 30 and 90 days for customers to pay on their invoice, and this very often leads to cash flow problems for the business. And that's the beauty of receivables factoring! When you use a receivables factoring company you'll typically receive an advance on an invoice within 24 hours. This immediate injection of cash allows businesses to purchase additional equipment, employ new staff, and cover other business expenses.No. 4: Growing Your Business


Because receivables factoring provides instant access to cash, it offers you the flexibility to grow your business at a faster pace. In addition, receivables factoring is very simple to set up. A receivables factoring account can be created within a matter of days, whereas a traditional bank loan can take weeks. And, there's no limit to the amount of funding a receivables factoring company can provide, unlike bank loans. Of course, this is assuming the receivables factoring company you choose to work with has a strong capital structure. Over a period of time, the volume of receivables factoring can increase within months – from thousands to millions of dollars.


No. 5: Funding for Start-Ups


Start-Ups quite often require financing to get their business up and running; but because they have no cash flow statements or balance sheets, and no business history, they're highly unlikely to qualify for cash flow or asset-based lending. receivables factoring is not concerned about these requirements because it's main interest is in the credit history of your customers. Before a receivables factoring company offers you financial assistance it will examine your customers' credit scores, their payment patterns, and general financial health. Typically, the receivables factoring company will not be interested in how long your company has been operating.


No. 6: receivables factoring Is Not a Debt


receivables factoring does not become a debt to your business because it's not a loan. Your business receives financial support from the receivables factoring company as-and-when you accumulate invoices, and the matter is settled once your customers have paid in full. It's true that if you're utilizing recourse receivables factoring, you, as the receivables factoring client, assume the risk if your customers default on payment; however, receivables factoring companies usually allow businesses to work off that amount by retaining a portion of reserve payments or future cash payments.





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Largest Moreno Valley Factoring Companies Articles

How receivables factoring Companies Help freight Companies


Commercial transportation play a vital role in the economic growth of any place; and the back bone of this large scale transportation is the freight companies. Every freight firm has contributed to the economic development of the place irrespective of how big or small they are. It is these freight services that take the goods around by road or deliver goods on the shores or to the airport to be transported overseas. Unfortunately these companies face a lot of operational issues with relation to hikes in fuel prices and a credit period which affects their cash flow.


Are you heading one of these freight companies and facing issues with operating costs? You are not alone and there is a solution. receivables factoring companies provide you the much needed relief by facilitating cash flow by using your accounts receivables. The operations of these companies are different from bank loans as it does not affect the debt to equity ratio. Here is a small instance to explain their role in making your freight company a success. Consider a small firm with around 10 trucks. The firm is doing very well and is able to manage its operations efficiently. But it's not able to accommodate new clients due to lack of trucks and delay in payments from his current customers by 45-60 days. receivables factoring companies step in the gap, they buy your invoices and give you the cash you need to buy the new trucks and meet other expenses. These firms wait for the customer's to make their payments and you get to move on. This article throws light on how these receivables factoring companies help freight companies and why all freight companies should use them.


Answers Concerns on Operating Costs


receivables factoring companies work towards providing you timely funds by supplying you the required amount as they wait for your customer to make payments. This allows you to make payments to your employees on time, pay off bills and fulfill other business commitments with ease. You also have the cash to repair your trucks in time to prolong the life of the vehicle. receivables factoring firms facilitate the smooth running of your business by eliminating the waiting period; especially considering the fact that some customers take 60-90 days to make payments. The best part is you use this service without facing any concerns about liquidity and this is why all freight companies should use them.


Prevents and Eliminates Further Debt


receivables factoring firms bring in stability and avoid situations where you may require loans. Avoiding loans helps in keeping the debt to equity ratio low. This in turn improves your image and helps you take steps towards paying off your outstanding loans. Paying off bills on time therefor keeping your suppliers happy. The fees taken by receivables factoring company is decided on the financial situation of the freight firm and is usually 1-3 percent of the invoice value.


Offer Management Services


Managing your office is another option given by these companies. The service includes recording your accounts receivable, checking outstanding payments from customers and following up for timely payments. This gives you a hassle free environment to work and contribute to the growth of your business. In case you do not wish to hire them for managing your payment section, they provide online services for providing funds. You can send details in spreadsheets for requesting payment. They are quick to respond and precise in communication.


Checking Credit Worthiness of the Clients


receivables factoring companies maintain data on the credit history of prospective customers. They share this information with you once you begin working with them. This brings down the number of issues with non-payment and delayed payments. This is especially important for small and medium sized firms who are still growing and learning the intricacies of this business. It avoids getting in to situations which can jeopardize the sustainability of your company.


Cuts Down Over Head Cost


Hiring freight receivables factoring companies for back office operations is beneficial in many ways. First of all you do not need another set of professionals to run your office. Apart from being an overhead cost, you can reduce your time managing them. Giving this section away to receivables factoring firms saves you a lot of precious time and money. And above all they provide high quality transparent service. With this you can stop chasing your customers for payments.


Builds Your Image


Time is precious and with freight receivables factoring companies you get to use this resource efficiently. They take care of customer's payment schedule and replenishing your reserves as the situation demands. This gives you the financial backup to take your business to the next level. You get to make sound decisions about buying more trucks and paying off your debts to improve the credibility of your firm. Apart from this you also get to work on your firm's future. This will include knowing your new client requirements and understanding if you will be able to accommodate them. freight receivables factoring companies help you run your business more smoothly.


Choosing the right receivables factoring company is essential for the smooth running of your business. Cost is only one of the determining factors when deciding on the firm. Verify their credibility and experience in this field before signing a contract. You may also want to know about online services and customer credit verification services if you are looking for a complete package. The time between placement of request and receiving of funds is vital. Be sure to understand all their terms and conditions before committing with a company.


freight receivables factoring companies have redefined the operations of a freight firm.. They have improved the effectiveness of small and medium sized firms. Gone are the days when smaller freight companies had to shut down due to poor funds. receivables factoring companies step in the gap and give them the best chances of surviving and achieving success. Choose a reputed receivables factoring firm and soar to higher places sooner than expected.






Largest Moreno Valley Factoring Companies Articles

Healthcare Staffing And How To Use A receivables factoring Company The Right Way


The healthcare field is arguably one of the most rapidly growing industries in the United States. With the baby boomers, the largest section of our population, reaching retirement age the need for expanding healthcare services has never been more pronounced.


At the center of this growth are healthcare staffing agencies that hire for hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices and a wide range of medical facilities. However, while business is booming the ability for these staffing agencies to expand is inhibited by the customer invoice system. Fortunately, there are healthcare staffing receivables factoring companies around to help them in their time of need.


We asked the owner of a local healthcare staffing agency, Gail Butler, to talk to us about how receivables factoring companies helped expand her business and provide a much needed boost at a critical time for her company.


“Hello Gail and welcome. I was hoping you would tell us a little about how healthcare staffing receivables factoring companies helped your business, but I suppose we should begin by how you got started in this business?”


Gail Butler (Gail), “Thanks for having me. I actually have been a part of several start-up businesses in my recent career and was looking for a field that would show a lot of promise. It was pretty clear to me that medical staffing was a big need in the healthcare field so I set about to start my own business. I had experience in starting up businesses before, so I drew up a business plan, took out a loan, rented the offices and hired a staff to get started.”


“So, you did what most people do in starting up a business. How did it do?”


Gail: “I actually got off to a pretty good start. I had made a few contacts and managed to get some business right away. This was really helpful because as you might know our clients use invoices for payments and it can take up to 90 days before we actually get the cash in hand. Around four months in we were facing a real crossroads as new opportunities opened up for our business, but we didn't have the cash on hand to take advantage.”


“I'm a little confused. You say you were doing well, but you didn't have the ability to expand your business?”


Gail: “That's right. The problem was back to the invoices that were making up wait up to 3 months before we had the cash. I really wanted to expand my staffing business to handle the new opportunities I was being presented, but I couldn't because I was still waiting on the invoices to finally turn to cash. So I was asking my accountant about what could be done when the suggestion of a healthcare staffing receivables factoring company was introduced.”


“Tell us a bit more about receivables factoring companies.”


Gail: “Basically, receivables factoring companies purchase the invoices right on the spot so you can have cash on hand immediately instead of waiting up to three months. For healthcare staffing receivables factoring companies, they will then collect the money from the business when the invoice is read to be fully paid. It really worked out for me because I was able to get cash quickly to add new personnel and even expand my offices to include another section of the building I was renting in.”


“I understand that receivables factoring companies are there for many different kinds of businesses, including medical staffing. Was it difficult to get set up with a receivables factoring company?”


Gail: Actually, it was pretty easy once we found a company that met our needs. I just filled out a short form and they looked over a few of the invoices I had to see what companies that I worked with. It really didn't take long at all before they agButler to cash some of the invoices and I got the money I needed to expand.”


“Could you tell me a little more about the advantages of using a receivables factoring company like this?”


Gail: “Sure, I was not only able to hire a couple of new people and rent additional space, I've been able to cash my invoices when unexpected bills come up or if I need to make a purchase quickly for a new piece of equipment. This has come in really handy recently when I decided to move to a new location and needed some cash on hand to make the transition. The receivables factoring services are really quite good with reasonable rates and fast service.”


“What's the differences in using receivables factoring companies over getting a new loan?”


Gail: “It is frankly much better than getting a loan because with receivables factoring there is nothing to pay back. We are basically getting our own money from the invoices we've earned up front and paying only a small fee. With a loan, I would not only have to pay it back but with interest as well. receivables factoring for us has really been a godsend when it comes to making decisions about how to expand my business. I'm no longer tied down to waiting 2 to 3 months to get paid when I can take what my business has earned and get cash immediately.”


“I take it that you are happy with how healthcare staffing receivables factoring has worked out for you?”


Gail: “You would be correct. I cannot imagine how my business would have expanded at that critical time without receivables factoring companies to buy my invoices. This is a great service that has helped me in my time of need and now my medical staffing business is bigger than ever. I'd recommend receivables factoring companies to anyone running a business that relies on invoices if they need to get cash quickly.”


There is little doubt that Gail Butler has been quite happy about the services she received working with a receivables factoring company. Perhaps receivables factoring is right for you and your needs, be sure to search for the type of receivables factoring business that works in your field so that you can get the right services in helping your company to succeed.



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A little history on the Trucking Industry


The Logistics and Transportation Industry in the United States

The logistics and transportation industry in the United States is highly competitive. By investing in this sector, multinational firms position themselves to better facilitate the flow of goods throughout the largest consumer market in the world.. International and domestic companies in this industry benefit from a highly skilled workforce and relatively low costs and regulatory burdens.


Shipping Port


Spending in the U.S. logistics and transportation industry totaled $1.33 trillion in 2012, and represented 8.5 percent of annual gross domestic product (GDP). Analysts expect industry investment to correlate with growth in the U.S. economy.


A highly integrated supply chain network in the United States links producers and consumers through multiple transportation modes, including air and express delivery services, freight rail, maritime transport, and truck transport. To serve customers efficiently, multinational and domestic firms provide tailored logistics and transportation solutions that ensure coordinated goods movement from origin to end user through each supply chain network segment.


Industry Subsectors


Logistics services: This subsector includes inbound and outbound transportation management, fleet management, warehousing, materials handling, order fulfillment, logistics network design, inventory management, supply and demand planning, third-party logistics management, and other support services. Logistics services are involved at all levels in the planning and execution of the movement of goods.


Air and express delivery services (EDS): Firms offer expedited, time-sensitive, and end-to-end services for documents, small parcels, and high-value items. EDS firms also provide the export infrastructure for many exporters, particularly small and medium-sized businesses that cannot afford to operate their own supply chain.



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Freight rail: High volumes of heavy cargo and products are transported long distances via the U.S. rail tracking network. Freight rail moves more than 70 percent of the coal, 58 percent of its raw metal ores, and more than 30 percent of its grain for the nation. This subsector accounted for approximately one third of all U.S. exports.


Maritime: This subsector includes carriers, seaports, terminals, and labor involved in the movement of cargo and passengers by water. Water transportation carries about 78 percent of U.S. exports by tonnage, via both foreign-flag and U.S.-flag carriers.


Trucking: Over-the-road transportation of cargo is provided by motor vehicles over short and medium distances. The American Trucking Associations reports that in 2012, trucks moved 9.4 billion tons of freight, or about 68.5 percent of all freight tonnage transported domestically. Motor carriers collected $642 billion in revenues, or about 81 percent of total revenue earned by all domestic transport modes.



Industry Associations:


American Association of Port Authorities
American Society of Transportation and Logistics
American Trucking Associations
Association of American Railroads
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
Express Delivery and Logistics Association
Industry Publications:


American Shipper
Journal of Commerce
Material Handling & Logistics
Transport Intelligence
Transport Topics


North American Industry Classification System For Transportation


The Transportation and Warehousing sector includes industries providing transportation of passengers and cargo, warehousing and storage for goods, scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities related to modes of transportation. Establishments in these industries use transportation equipment or transportation related facilities as a productive asset. The type of equipment depends on the mode of transportation. The modes of transportation are air, rail, water, road, and pipeline.


The Transportation and Warehousing sector distinguishes three basic types of activities: subsectors for each mode of transportation, a subsector for warehousing and storage, and a subsector for establishments providing support activities for transportation. In addition, there are subsectors for establishments that provide passenger transportation for scenic and sightseeing purposes, postal services, and courier services.


A separate subsector for support activities is established in the sector because, first, support activities for transportation are inherently multimodal, such as freight transportation arrangement, or have multimodal aspects. Secondly, there are production process similarities among the support activity industries.


One of the support activities identified in the support activity subsector is the routine repair and maintenance of transportation equipment (e.g., aircraft at an airport, railroad rolling stock at a railroad terminal, or ships at a harbor or port facility). Such establishments do not perform complete overhauling or rebuilding of transportation equipment (i.e., periodic restoration of transportation equipment to original design specifications) or transportation equipment conversion (i.e., major modification to systems). An establishment that primarily performs factory (or shipyard) overhauls, rebuilding, or conversions of aircraft, railroad rolling stock, or a ship is classified in Subsector 336, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing according to the type of equipment.


Many of the establishments in this sector often operate on networks, with physical facilities, labor forces, and equipment spread over an extensive geographic area.


Truck Transportation



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Industries in the Truck Transportation subsector provide over-the-road transportation of cargo using motor vehicles, such as trucks and tractor trailers. The subsector is subdivided into general freight trucking and specialized freight trucking. This distinction reflects differences in equipment used, type of load carried, scheduling, terminal, and other networking services. General freight transportation establishments handle a wide variety of general commodities, generally palletized, and transported in a container or van trailer. Specialized freight transportation is the transportation of cargo that, because of size, weight, shape, or other inherent characteristics require specialized equipment for transportation.


Each of these industry groups is further subdivided based on distance traveled. Local trucking establishments primarily carry goods within a single metropolitan area and its adjacent nonurban areas. Long distance trucking establishments carry goods between metropolitan areas.


The Specialized Freight Trucking industry group includes a separate industry for Used Household and Office Goods Moving. The household and office goods movers are separated because of the substantial network of establishments that has developed to deal with local and long-distance moving and the associated storage. In this area, the same establishment provides both local and long-distance services, while other specialized freight establishments generally limit their services to either local or long-distance hauling.


General Freight Trucking


This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized, and transported in a container or van trailer. The establishments of this industry group provide a combination of the following network activities: local pickup, local sorting and terminal operations, line-haul, destination sorting and terminal operations, and local delivery.


General Freight Trucking, Local


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized and transported in a container or van trailer. Local general freight trucking establishments usually provide trucking within a metropolitan area which may cross state lines. Generally the trips are same-day return.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized and transported in a container or van trailer. Long-distance general freight trucking establishments usually provide trucking between metropolitan areas which may cross North American country borders. Included in this industry are establishments operating as truckload (TL) or less than truckload (LTL) carriers.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload


This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance general freight truckload (TL) trucking. These long-distance general freight truckload carrier establishments provide full truck movement of freight from origin to destination. The shipment of freight on a truck is characterized as a full single load not combined with other shipments.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload


This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance, general freight, less than truckload (LTL) trucking. LTL carriage is characterized as multiple shipments combined onto a single truck for multiple deliveries within a network. These establishments are generally characterized by the following network activities: local pickup, local sorting and terminal operations, line-haul, destination sorting and terminal operations, and local delivery.


Specialized Freight Trucking


This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local or long-distance specialized freight trucking. The establishments of this industry are primarily engaged in the transportation of freight which, because of size, weight, shape, or other inherent characteristics, requires specialized equipment, such as flatbeds, tankers, or refrigerated trailers. This industry includes the transportation of used household, institutional, and commercial furniture and equipment.



Freight Forwarding Factoring


Used Household and Office Goods Moving


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local or long-distance trucking of used household, used institutional, or used commercial furniture and equipment. Incidental packing and storage activities are often provided by these establishments. Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local


Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance specialized trucking. These establishments provide trucking between metropolitan areas that may cross North American country borders.


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Freight Broker


A freight broker is an individual or company that serves as a liaison between another individual or company that needs shipping services and an authorized motor carrier. Though a freight broker plays an important role in the movement of cargo, the broker doesn't function as a shipper or a carrier. To operate as a freight broker, a business or individual must obtain a license from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Freight brokers are required to carry surety bonds as well.


Freight broker services are valuable to both shippers and motor carriers. Freight brokers help shippers find reliable carriers that might otherwise be difficult to locate. They assist motor carriers in filling their trucks and earning money for transporting a wide variety of items. For their efforts, freight brokers earn commissions.


Freight brokers use their knowledge of the shipping industry and technological resources to help shippers and carriers accomplish their goals. Many companies find the services provided by freight brokers indispensable. In fact, some companies hire brokers to coordinate all of their shipping needs.


Often, freight brokers are confused with forwarders. Though a freight forwarder performs some of the same tasks as a freight broker, the two are not the same. A forwarder takes possession of the items being shipped, consolidates smaller shipments, and arranges for the transportation of the consolidated shipments. By contrast, a freight broker never takes possession of items being shipped thus in the absence of negligent entrustment, a freight broker is not normally involved as a party litigant in a cargo claim dispute, although as an accommodation, the freight broker may assist the shipper at their request and expense with filing freight claims.



Best Trucker Factoring Companies


NAICS Index Description



Best Freight Factoring Companies


484110 Bulk mail truck transportation, contract, local
484110 Container trucking services, local
484110 General freight trucking, local
484110 Motor freight carrier, general, local
484110 Transfer (trucking) services, general freight, local
484110 Trucking, general freight, local
484121 Bulk mail truck transportation, contract, long-distance (TL)
484121 Container trucking services, long-distance (TL)
484121 General freight trucking, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484121 Motor freight carrier, general, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484121 Trucking, general freight, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484122 General freight trucking, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484122 LTL (less-than-truckload) long-distance freight trucking
484122 Motor freight carrier, general, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484122 Trucking, general freight, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484210 Furniture moving, used
484210 Motor freight carrier, used household goods
484210 Trucking used household, office, or institutional furniture and equipment
484210 Used household and office goods moving
484210 Van lines, moving and storage services
484220 Agricultural products trucking, local
484220 Automobile carrier trucking, local
484220 Boat hauling, truck, local
484220 Bulk liquids trucking, local
484220 Coal hauling, truck, local
484220 Dry bulk trucking (except garbage collection, garbage hauling), local
484220 Dump trucking (e.g., gravel, sand, top soil)
484220 Farm products hauling, local
484220 Flatbed trucking, local
484220 Grain hauling, local
484220 Gravel hauling, local
484220 Livestock trucking, local
484220 Log hauling, local
484220 Milk hauling, local
484220 Mobile home towing services, local
484220 Refrigerated products trucking, local
484220 Rubbish hauling without collection or disposal, truck, local
484220 Sand hauling, local
484220 Tanker trucking (e.g., chemical, juice, milk, petroleum), local
484220 Top-soil hauling, local
484220 Tracked vehicle freight transportation, local
484220 Trucking, specialized freight (except used goods), local
484230 Automobile carrier trucking, long-distance



Factoring Freight Brokers Only



484230 Boat hauling, truck, long-distance
484230 Bulk liquids trucking, long-distance
484230 Dry bulk carrier, truck, long-distance
484230 Farm products trucking, long-distance
484230 Flatbed trucking, long-distance
484230 Forest products trucking, long-distance
484230 Grain hauling, long-distance
484230 Gravel hauling, long-distance
484230 Livestock trucking, long-distance
484230 Log hauling, long-distance
484230 Mobile home towing services, long-distance
484230 Radioactive waste hauling, long-distance
484230 Recyclable material hauling, long-distance
484230 Refrigerated products trucking, long-distance



484230 Refuse hauling, long-distance
484230 Rubbish hauling without collection or disposal, truck, long-distance
484230 Sand hauling, long-distance
484230 Tanker trucking (e.g., chemical, juice, milk, petroleum), long-distance
484230 Tracked vehicle freight transportation, long-distance
484230 Trash hauling, long-distance
484230 Trucking, specialized freight (except used goods), long-distance
484230 Waste hauling, hazardous, long-distance
484230 Waste hauling, nonhazardous, long-distance






California Oilfield Factoring Services

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We understand the oil and gas industry and know the challenges that oilfield service providers face. We provide oilfield factoring services for many types of businesses in the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford Basin and nationwide including the following:


• Acidifying & Cementing
• Aggregate
• Conductor Services
• Crude Haulers
• Disposal Wells/Sites
• Drillers
• Drilling Equipment Suppliers
• Environmental Clean Up
• Equipment Hauling
• Equipment Rentals
• Excavating
• Excavators
• Fishing Services
• Flatbed Carriers
• Flow-back Testing
• Fly Ash
• Frac Sand Haulers
• Frac Tank Cleaning
• Gravel Haulers
• Gravel Pit/Suppliers
• Hot Shots
• Logging
• Mud Hauling
• Open Pit Services
• Open Tank Services
• Pad Builders
• Paraffin Services
• Pipe Cleaning
• Pipe Hauling
• Pipe Construction
• Pipeline Inspection
• Pit Clean Up
• Plugging Contractors
• Pneumatic
• Pressure Washing
• Refinery Maintenance
• Rig Movers
• Rig Transportation
• Road Construction
• Roustabouts
• Scoria Pit/Suppliers
• Site Preparation
• Slick-line Services
• Spill Clean Up
• Tank Manufacturers
• Testing Services
• Vacuum Trucks
• Water Haulers
• Water Purification
• Welding
• Well Servicing
• Winch Trucks
• Wire-line Services
• And many more…


Most of the energy consumed in the United States comes from fossil fuels (petroleum, coal, and natural gas). These fossil fuels and crude oil-based petroleum products are the major sources of energy used in the United States.

What is crude oil and what are petroleum products?


Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons that formed from plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. Crude oil is a fossil fuel, and it exists in liquid form in underground pools or reservoirs, in tiny spaces within sedimentary rocks, and near the surface in tar (or oil) sands. Petroleum products are fuels made from crude oil and other hydrocarbons contained in natural gas. Petroleum products can also be made from coal, natural gas, and biomass.

Products made from crude oil


After crude oil is removed from the ground, it is sent to a refinery where different parts of the crude oil are separated into useable petroleum products. These petroleum products include gasoline, distillates such as diesel fuel and heating oil, jet fuel, petrochemical feedstocks, waxes, lubricating oils, and asphalt.A U.S 42-gallon barrel of crude oil yields about 45 gallons of petroleum products in U.S. refineries because of refinery processing gain. This increase in volume is similar to what happens to popcorn when it is popped.

The United States is one of the largest crude oil producers


U.S. refineries obtain crude oil produced in the United States and in other countries. Different types of companies supply crude oil to the world market.

Where is U.S. crude oil produced?


Crude oil is produced in 32 U.S. states and in U.S. coastal waters. In 2017, about 65% of total U.S. crude oil production came from five states:


• Texas—38%
• North Dakota—11%
• Alaska—5%
• California—5%
• New Mexico—5%


In 2017, about 18% of U.S. crude oil was produced from wells located offshore in the federally administered waters of the Gulf of Mexico.


Although total U.S. crude oil production generally declined between 1985 and 2008, annual production increased from 2009 through 2015. Production declined slightly in 2016 and increased in 2017. More cost-effective drilling technology helped to boost production, especially in Texas, North Dakota, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Colorado.


What is natural gas?


Natural gas is a fossil energy source that formed deep beneath the earth's surface. Natural gas contains many different compounds. The largest component of natural gas is methane, a compound with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms (CH4). Natural gas also contains smaller amounts of natural gas liquids (NGL; which are also hydrocarbon gas liquids), and nonhydrocarbon gases, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor. We use natural gas as a fuel and to make materials and chemicals.

How did natural gas form?


Millions to 100’s of millions of years ago and over long periods of time, the remains of plants and animals (such as diatoms) built up in thick layers on the earth’s surface and ocean floors, sometimes mixed with sand, silt, and calcium carbonate. Over time, these layers were buried under sand, silt, and rock. Pressure and heat changed some of this carbon and hydrogen-rich material into coal, some into oil (petroleum), and some into natural gas.

Where is natural gas found?


In some places, natural gas moved into large cracks and spaces between layers of overlying rock. The natural gas found in these types of formations is sometimes called conventional natural gas. In other places, natural gas occurs in the tiny pores (spaces) within some formations of shale, sandstone, and other types of sedimentary rock. This natural gas is referred to as shale gas or tight gas, and it is sometimes called unconventional natural gas. Natural gas also occurs with deposits of crude oil, and this natural gas is called associated natural gas. Natural gas deposits are found on land and some are offshore and deep under the ocean floor. A type of natural gas found in coal deposits is called coalbed methane.

How do we find natural gas?


The search for natural gas begins with geologists who study the structure and processes of the earth. They locate the types of geologic formations that are likely to contain natural gas deposits.Geologists often use seismic surveys on land and in the ocean to find the right places to drill natural gas and oil wells. Seismic surveys create and measure seismic waves in the earth to get information on the geology of rock formations. Seismic surveys on land may use a thumper truck, which has a vibrating pad that pounds the ground to create seismic waves in the underlying rock. Sometimes small amounts of explosives are used. Seismic surveys conducted in the ocean use blasts of sound that create sonic waves to explore the geology beneath the ocean floor.If the results of seismic surveys indicate that a site has potential for producing natural gas, an exploratory well is drilled and tested. The results of the test provide information on the quality and quantity of natural gas available in the resource.

Drilling natural gas wells and producing natural gas


If the results from a test well show that a geologic formation has enough natural gas to produce and make a profit, one or more production (or development) wells are drilled. Natural gas wells can be drilled vertically and horizontally into natural gas-bearing formations. In conventional natural gas deposits, the natural gas generally flows easily up through wells to the surface.In the United States and in a few other countries, natural gas is produced from shale and other types of sedimentary rock formations by forcing water, chemicals, and sand down a well under high pressure. This process, called hydraulic fracturing or fracking, and sometimes referred to as unconventional production, breaks up the formation, releases the natural gas from the rock, and allows the natural gas to flow to and up wells to the surface. At the top of the well on the surface, natural gas is put into gathering pipelines and sent to natural gas processing plants.

Natural gas is processed for sale and consumption


Natural gas withdrawn from natural gas or crude oil wells is called wet natural gas because, along with methane, it usually contains NGL—ethane, propane, butanes, and pentanes—and water vapor. Wellhead natural gas may also contain nonhydrocarbons such as sulfur, helium, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide, most of which must be removed from natural gas before it is sold to consumers. From the wellhead, natural gas is sent to processing plants where water vapor and nonhydrocarbon compounds are removed and NGL are separated from the wet gas and sold separately. Some ethane is often left in the processed natural gas. The separated NGL are called natural gas plant liquids (NGPL), and the processed natural gas is called dry, consumer-grade, or pipeline quality natural gas. Some wellhead natural gas is sufficiently dry and satisfies pipeline transportation standards without processing. Chemicals called odorants are added to natural gas so that leaks in natural gas pipelines can be detected. Dry natural gas is sent through pipelines to underground storage fields or to distribution companies and then to consumers.In places where natural gas pipelines are not available to take away associated natural gas produced from oil wells, the natural gas may be reinjected into the oil-bearing formation, or it may be vented or burned (flared). Reinjecting unmarketable natural gas can help to maintain pressure in oil wells to improve oil production.Coalbed methane can be extracted from coal deposits before or during coal mining, and it can be added to natural gas pipelines without any special treatment.Most of the natural gas consumed in the United States is produced in the United States. Some natural gas is imported from Canada and Mexico in pipelines. A small amount of natural gas is also imported as liquefied natural gasThe United States used about 27 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas in 2017, the equivalent of 28 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) and 29% of total U.S. primary energy consumption.Natural gas use by U.S. consuming sectors by amount and share of total U.S. natural gas consumption in 2017


• Industrial—9.51 Tcf—35
• Electric power—9.25 Tcf—34%
• Residential—4.41 Tcf—16%
• Commercial—3.16 Tcf—12%
• Transportation—0.77 Tcf—3%


How natural gas is used in the United States


Most U.S. natural gas use is for heating buildings and generating electricity, but some consuming sectors have other uses for natural gas.The industrial sector uses natural gas as a fuel for process heating, in combined heat and power systems, and as a raw material (feedstock) to produce chemicals, fertilizer, and hydrogen. In 2017, the industrial sector accounted for about 35% of U.S. natural gas consumption, and natural gas was the source of about 31% of the U.S. industrial sector's total energy consumption.The electric power sector uses natural gas to generate electricity. In 2017, the electric power sector accounted for about 34% of U.S. natural gas consumption, and natural gas was the source of about 26% of the U.S. electric power sector's energy consumption. Most of the electricity produced by the electric power sector is sold to and used by the other U.S. consuming sectors, and that electricity use is included in each sector’s total energy consumption. The other consuming sectors also use natural gas to generate electricity, and nearly all of this electricity is used by the sectors themselves.The residential sector uses natural gas to heat buildings and water, to cook, and to dry clothes. About half of the homes in the United States use natural gas for these purposes. In 2017, the residential sector accounted for about 16% of U.S. natural gas consumption, and natural gas was the source of about 23% of the U.S. residential sector's total energy consumption. The commercial sector uses natural gas to heat buildings and water, to operate refrigeration and cooling equipment, to cook, to dry clothes, and to provide outdoor lighting. Some consumers in the commercial sector also use natural gas as a fuel in combined heat and power systems. In 2017, the commercial sector accounted for about 12% of U.S. natural gas consumption, and natural gas was the source of about 18% of the U.S. commercial sector's energy consumption.The transportation sector uses natural gas as a fuel to operate compressors that move natural gas through pipelines and as a vehicle fuel in the form of compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas. Nearly all vehicles that use natural gas as a fuel are in government and private vehicle fleets. In 2017, the transportation sector accounted for about 3% of total U.S. natural gas consumption. Natural gas was the source of about 3% of the U.S. transportation sector's energy consumption in 2017, of which 94% was for natural gas pipeline and distribution operations.

Where natural gas is used


Natural gas is used throughout the United States, but five states accounted for about 38% of total U.S. natural gas consumption in 2017:


• Texas—14.3%
• California—7.8%
• Louisiana—5.9%
• Florida—5.1%
• Pennsylvania—4.7%


Choose a U.S. State

Alabama oilfields


Alaska oilfields


Arizona oilfields


Arkansas oilfields


California oilfields


Colorado oilfields


Connecticut oilfields


Delaware oilfields


Florida oilfields


Georgia oilfields


Hawaii oilfields


Idaho oilfields


Illinois oilfields


Indiana oilfields


Iowa oilfields


Kansas oilfields


Kentucky oilfields


Louisiana oilfields


Maine oilfields


Maryland oilfields


Massachusetts oilfields


Michigan oilfields


Minnesota oilfields


Mississippi oilfields


Missouri oilfields


Montana oilfields


Nebraska oilfields


Nevada oilfields


New Hampshire oilfields


New Jersey oilfields


New Mexico oilfields


New York oilfields


North Carolina oilfields


North Dakota oilfields


Ohio oilfields


Oklahoma oilfields


Oregon oilfields


Pennsylvania oilfields


Rhode Island oilfields


South Carolina oilfields


South Dakota oilfields


Tennessee oilfields


Texas oilfields


Utah oilfields


Vermont oilfields


Virginia oilfields


Washington oilfields


West Virginia oilfields


Wisconsin oilfields


Wyoming oilfields




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California Staffing Factoring Services-About The Staffing industry

Who Staffing Receivables Factoring Is Right For


Due to the huge variety of positions recruited for and industries served, a staffing agency's invoices can be paid at unpredictable times. Payroll receivables factoring helps staffing companies overcome their cash flow management issues. If you are a staffing company with $5,000 to $50,000 per month of outstanding invoices, receivables factoring may be the solution for you.Staffing receivables factoring is mostly used by:


- General staffing companies
- Information (IT) staffing companies
- Temporary staffing companies
- Health care staffing companies
- Human resources (HR) consulting firms
- Headhunters
For the staffing industry, payroll receivables factoring has increasingly become an important lifeline. staffing companies typically aren't paid until placements have been on the job for two weeks, and sometimes three months for executives. That's a long time to wait for the cash you need to run your business.This problem can hurt staffing companies looking to put contract workers, or temp employees, into another organization. They will typically give 30- to 90-day terms to the business they're working with, but still have to pay these workers in the meantime. However, it can also hurt large executive recruiting firms who often work on a small retainer before they even know if they'll be paid.Some executive firms may not be able to use staffing receivables factoring until after they've placed an employee, but all temp agencies will be able to use a staffing receivables factoring product as soon as they place workers. Either way, staffing receivables factoring has become a lifeline for the industry to help them keep their expenses in check while they wait for their customers to pay.


About The Staffing Industry


5 Benefits of Using a Staffing Agency to Improve Quality of New Hires


1. Focus


Working with a staffing agency allows your team to stay focused on the tasks and tactics that make your business most profitable. With fewer tasks to be completed in-house, distractions are minimized. Let a staffing agency do the busy work of filling your candidate funnel and eliminating those who are not qualified or who are not likely to be a good fit for your company's culture.2. Expert Advice


staffing agency recruiters are trained and experienced experts who can efficiently sift through the hundreds - or even thousands - of responses your job posting may solicit and bring you a short list for consideration. What's more, their insights about candidates or their resumes can be invaluable in helping you decide which candidates should make the cut and move on to an interview.3. Better-Informed Candidates


Few things are more frustrating within the recruiting and hiring process as moving a candidate all the way through the process to the point of making an offer, only to discover that they had unrealistic expectations about the job, its salary range or responsibilities. One of the benefits of using a staffing agency is that they give candidates information about your company and the position ahead of time, so that candidates who want to self-select out of the process for any reason can do so, saving you time and resources in the process.4. Pre-Screened for the Fast Track


Recruiting and hiring processes can take months! You can short-cut the process by working with staffing companies who have already recruited, interviewed and pre-screened candidates who can be in place within a day or two, instead of weeks or months.5. Try Before You Buy Options


Having the ability to work with candidates on a trial basis as temporary employees placed through a staffing agency gives you the opportunity to bring in top talent and see how they fit within the team and perform without making a long-term commitment. It can be equally positive for candidates themselves as they have a chance to find out whether the job and your corporate culture is a good fit for them. If you have experienced the pain and high cost of making a bad hire, this reason alone might make the benefits of using a staffing agency preferable to doing the recruiting and hiring yourself.Benefits of Using a Staffing Agency: Calculating the Cost of a New Hire


The cost of a new hire is far greater than the cost of posting position openings or running a new hire screening, and not all of those costs can be measured in dollars. For instance, how can you calculate the negative impact of turnover on an understaffed department, or time lost to productivity when new hires are shadowing other employees?If you are trying to come up with the real cost of recruiting and hiring in your organization in order to weigh the benefits of using a staffing agency against completing the work in-house, here are some costs to consider:


- Time spent writing job post ad copy
- Time spent researching job boards, social networks and publications for placements
- Cost of placing position openings in print and online job boards
- Time spent reviewing submissions, monitoring all placement channels and responding to applicants
- Resources (time, money and materials) spent on written responses to applicants
- Time spent doing pre-interview phone screenings and setting up interviews
- Time spent conducting interviews and lost productivity for interview participants
- Time spent conducting reference checks
- Time and resources spent on pre-employment screening/s
- Food, beverages, lodging or travel costs
- Cost of reimbursement for parking or transportation
It's a lot! When you begin to tally up the cost of time spent on-boarding new hires, doing paperwork, setting up payroll and benefits, completing training and lower productivity while they get up to speed, you can begin to understand the high cost of employee turnover and better appreciate the benefits of using a staffing agency, especially when it comes to improving the cost of new hires.


Staffing Industry Statistics


The staffing, recruiting, and workforce solutions industry makes a vital contribution to the U.S. economy, and provides outstanding job and career opportunities for nearly 17 million employees per year. Click on the tabs below to see the facts and statistics for staffing companies and employees.


In the U.S., there are about 20,000 staffing and recruiting companies, which altogether operate around 39,000 offices. Approximately 55% of companies and 74% of offices are in the temporary and contract staffing sector of the industry.


Staffing companies offer a wide range of employment-related services, predominantly


 Temporary and contract staffing
 Recruiting and permanent placement
 Outsourcing and outplacement
Human resource consultingThe staffing industry in the U.S. - Statistics & Facts


Staffing firms operate within the business services industry, finding workers for client companies. Unlike recruitment companies, staffing companies primarily deal with temporary and contract job positions, although not necessarily exclusively. Staffing firms find temporary employees to fill job positions for client companies which require staff for short term work assignments. These positions, which are usually for lower skilled jobs, have vacancies available for a variety of reasons, such as, maternity leave, short term projects or periods of high demand in the company. Despite the candidate working within a client company, they often remain an employee of the staffing agency. This is not the case in all positions, as the employee may go on to be hired permanently by the client company.


The global staffing industry generated 428 billion U.S. dollars in 2016. In that same year, the United States' staffing and recruiting industry sales reached 150 billion U.S. dollars, 85 percent of which was generated in the temporary and contract employment sector. In the United States, temporary and contract employment totaled 14.5 million in 2016, down from 15.6 million in 2015, the highest employment figure recorded since the year 2000. While employment figures have been sporadic between 2000 and 2016, the average length of temporary and contract assignments have generally risen over the period from 9.7 weeks in 2000 to 11.5 weeks in 2016.


How Staffing Agencies Work


How can businesses and job hunters cut through the red tape of the hiring process? Many use an employment agency to alleviate the process. An employment agency is a firm hired by a company to help with its staffing needs. Employment agencies find people to fill all kinds of jobs, from temporary to full-time, in a number of career fields. Whether a company needs a nurse, an administrative assistant, a manager or a carpenter, an employment agency can find the right employee.


Both public and private employment agencies help place workers. In the United States, one of the major public employment agencies is the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. This agency provides job-seeking services and tools for workers through online resources and a network of offices around the country. It promotes public and private sector jobs by linking to national and state job banks.Private employment agencies also help place workers, particularly in the private sector. These employment agencies tend to specialize in one of three fields:


- personnel placement services
- staffing services, also known as temporary help services
- executive search firms


All told, these staffing companies put millions of people to work every day. In fact, in the temporary and contract industry, over two million people are employed by staffing companies every business day, and staffing companies hire 8.6 million temporary and contract employees every year

So, what do these employment agencies actually do?


Read on to find out why they're an invaluable resource for both employers and employees. For employers, an employment agency can take the grunt work out of human resources. Filling an open position takes time and money. Estimates are that hiring a worker can cost 7 to 20 percent of that position's salary and take 30 to 45 days to fill. That can be pretty taxing to some companies, so it's worth their while to farm out the hiring process to a recruiter at an employment agency.When a business needs a specific person for a job, it'll contract with a personnel placement services firm, also called a recruiter. The recruiter handles the search process and matches up an employee with the job in question, lining up potential candidates who interview with the company.For senior-level management positions, a company may choose to hire an executive search firm, also known as a headhunter. An executive search firm works under a retainer agreement from the hiring company and uses a set code of standards to identify and place workers in these highly visible positions.When a company just needs a vacation fill-in or someone to work for a few months, it uses a staffing agency. Staffing agencies provide skilled employees to work on a temporary or contract basis. Some employers also use staffing agencies as recruiters in positions known as """"temp to perm,"""" meaning the position is temporary, but it could lead to a permanent position if the worker and company are a good fit.

What is a staffing agency?


Also known as employment agencies or recruitment firms, staffing agencies employ recruiters who work on behalf of employers looking to fill positions or workers hoping to find positions. These positions range in levels from entry level to executive level and often require specific skills and knowledge. The staffing agency's job is to find qualified candidates on behalf of a company or, in the case of representing workers seeking jobs, appropriate positions for the candidate.Many staffing companies specialize in a particular industry, experience level, or type of work. The work may be temporary, part-time, short-term, or full time.

Medical staffing agency


Since healthcare is a high-demand industry with busy periods and fluctuations in labor, many staffing agencies specialize in filling positions for medical personnel. Medical staffing agencies may further specialize in a particular profession, such as nursing, or type of position, such as temporary or permanent. Others staff a wide range of positions, including registered vocational, and practical nurses; physical, occupational, and speech therapists; OR, ER, CT, and radiation technicians; social workers; home health aids; administrative and office personnel; and many others.Some staffing companies do hire physicians although not as frequently as other medical professions.

Engineering staffing agencies


As with medical staffing companies, engineering staffing companies specialize in filling positions in a high-demand field—in this case, of course, engineering. Staffing agencies may focus on specific niches or types of engineering or cover a range of fields, such as aerospace, agricultural, biomedical, chemical, civil, computer and software, electrical, environmental, industrial, manufacturing, mechanical, nuclear, pharmaceutical, project, solar, structural, systems, and telecommunication, among many other specialties.


Staffing agency vs. temp agency


While many people confuse the two terms, a temp agency is actually a type of staffing agency specializing in temporary work. Temp agencies exclusively find employees to fill short-term positions, many of which arise at a moment's notice because of illnesses, maternity leave, and other absences. Employers may also engage temp agencies to find extra help during busy seasons. For instance, a department store may hire extra workers during the holiday season and use a temp agency to find temporary employees.Meanwhile, a staffing agency may find temporary positions and workers, but employers and professionals may also use one to find longer-term work depending on the needs of the client.


How do staffing agencies work?




As an employer, you will look for a staffing agency that specializes in or covers your industry. In your initial meeting, you'll share the requirements for the job and any other needs you'd like to specify.The staffing agency will then create a job description based on your input and share it across several channels, including their own website and other job boards. Depending on the nature of the work, representatives may also actively recruit candidates from LinkedIn and other professional channels.Once the staffing agency has located appropriate candidates, the recruiter will perform one or more screening interviews and narrow down the pool further. Again, depending on whether the work is temporary or permanent and other qualifications, you may ask the agency to conduct the entire hiring process, or you may choose to interview the candidates yourself as well. Either way, you will be involved in the hiring process and will have the ultimate say over which candidate is selected.In the case of positions that are temporary or temp-to-hire (the company hires the employee on a temporary basis but will consider hiring her for a more permanent position if it works out), the staffing agency usually handles the entire recruitment and interviewing process. For permanent positions, the staffing agency generally functions like a traditional recruitment agency and finds and screens candidates for the employer to interview.If the position is temporary, the agency will pay the worker directly. If the position is permanent or becomes permanent, the employer will handle or take over payroll for the employee.


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